Since this restaurant is located near one of my favourite Cinema Singapore, it never fail to attract my attention as I walk passed the restaurant back then. This post should give you a rough idea why I have decided to give this restaurant a try.
'Shanxi Noodle in Sparking Oil'(陝西油泼面)
The complimentary bowl of soup that comes with this is terrible. The taste is
a bit too bland for me and on top of that, it has no 'character'.... :P |
Noodle wise, this is kinda special for handmade Noodles. It's much more broader
than the common flat 'Rice Noodles'. On top of that, it's far more chewy and
thicker than 'Rice Noodles'. However, even with lots of mixing and stirring, the
Noodles still ended up to be pretty dry for me. Though the sauce isn't salty at
all, and there's a fair portion of vegetables, but probably because it doesn't
comes with meaty ingredients, therefore I also find it kinda plain. :| I was
expecting it to be spicy but the kick isn't there to boast my interest at all too.
Though the first bowl of Noodles didn't turn out to be fantastic, but... |
'Sichuan Dan Dan Noodles'(四川担担面)
All the Noodles dishes over here will come with a complimentary bowl of soup. |
Unlike the previous bowl of Noodles, this comes with a good mix of Vegetables
and meaty ingredients. But this isn't interesting enough. The most interesting
part would be... |
the length of the Noodles. There's only one strand of Noodles in this bowl.
I tried to mixed it thoroughly and I have difficulty finding the head and the
tail. In fact, they were boasting that the length of the Noodles can go up to
a length of 10 metres long. Taste wise, this is much better as compared to the
previous bowl of Noodles. The springy Noodles are not only chewy, there's a
good mix of meaty sauce too. To a certain extent, each individual bite comes
with a nice meaty sensation, which is not too salty too.
This might be one of the ideal place for a bowl of healthy Noodles. Though I
also find the strand of Noodles pretty interesting too. |
So where can you give the Noodles a try?
The name of this restaurant would be 'Din Gi Noodle House'(鼎记面馆).
It's located on basement 2 of 'Plaza Singapura'. |
Opening Hours:
* Click
here for the list of delicacies that you can find and get at 'Plaza Singapura'.
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