Sometimes if I managed to get out of bed pretty early, I would go around looking for interesting good bites, before I make my way to the office. And the other day, I decided to go for these small bites...
'Kueh Du Du'
Seems that there are quite a few stalls out there that offers a bigger
'Kueh Du Du', as compared with the original size. Though this is big
but it's not the biggest that I have come across in Singapore. |
But I'm pretty impressed that despite of the long travelling time, the
texture of the 'Kueh Du Du' didn't turn into a rock. On top of that
the stall owner really push the layer of flour to the limits and the
ingredients that are thrown inside are pretty generous and yummy too. |
I personally loved the sweet taste of the not so damp 'Coconut' fillings
and not to forget about the crunchy diced peanuts too. Which makes me
wonder what are we getting, when we mix both types of ingredients into one
'Kueh Du Du'. When I took a bite off the 'Kueh Du Du', there's an immediate
outburst of the nice ingredients, which deserves a (+). |
So where can you give these small bites a good try?
The name of this stall would be 'Jia Xiang Du Du Kueh'(佳香嘟嘟娘惹糕).
This is located inside 'Beo Crescent Market and Food Centre'. |
Notes:- Operating Hours:
05:30 - 12:00 Daily
(Closed on Sundays)
* Click
here for the location of 'Beo Crescent Market and Food Centre' on 'Google Maps'.
^ Click
here for the list of delicacies that you can find and get in 'Beo Crescent' Area.